Merger Update – Operational issues affecting the afternoon of Friday 28th June 2024
We have been advised by EMIS, our clinical system provider, that Elsenham Surgery will lose access to their system from 1pm on Friday 28 June 2024.
This means that we will not be able to dispense or consult with patients as usual during the afternoon. The surgery phones and front door will remain open.
We have put some contingency plans in place to be able to support our patients, and we ask that you contact us as early as possible on Friday morning if you require clinical input on that day. This will ensure that the clinical team can look at your medical record before we lose access to the system in the afternoon. Should you need to call on Friday morning the GP team will telephone you first and then offer you an appointment later that day if need be.
It would be very helpful if you would only get in touch with us on this day if your medical need is urgent. The system will be up and running again on Monday 1st July.
In addition, we have put extra staff capacity into our pharmacy in Stansted, to help with urgent prescription needs on Friday afternoon.
Please be advised that none of the online platforms for appointment and prescriptions will be available either from 1pm on Friday 28th June and all that weekend. To contact us electronically for prescription ordering, please email us on or
Further communication will follow later in the week about the finalisation of the merger on July 1st.