Elsenham Surgery – Children, Young Person and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding children, young persons and vulnerable adults is a fundamental goal for Elsenham Surgery.

Our policy has been written in conjunction with legislative and government guidance requirements, our local Clinical Commissioning Group child and adult protection procedures and relevant internal policies.


Our policies are the practice-agreed policies, applicable to all clinicians and staff as well as official visitors to the premises, and it represents the means by which the practice intends to keep children and vulnerable adults safe.  Our policies are detailed and lengthy but are no substitute for staff – clinical as well as administrative – ensuring they are aware of local and national procedures and maintaining their up-to-date training.

Our Safeguarding Policies are available on request.




Safeguarding Children and Young Persons



What should you do if you are worried?

* If you are worried about a child, contact Children’s Social Care or the police to discuss your concerns. Your identity is kept confidential. Everyone in the community has a responsibility to make sure that children grow up safe from harm.
* Children’s Social Care will make enquiries about the child’s safety and assess what services will help. This is done in strictest confidence.

* The child, family and professionals who work with the family will be involved in the assessment. In all cases, what the family does well for the child is considered alongside the concerns.

* In most situations, children remain at home with their family while professionals work with the parents to get the right services involved. In all circumstances, action will be taken to safeguard the welfare of the child and improve the situation


Safeguarding children in need

* Some children require greater levels of support from Children’s Social Care, along with other agencies. They are children in need. Usually, these services support children living at home. If you think a child may require services as a child in need, you can seek advice from Children’s Social Care.


Worries about a child

* Parents, relatives and members of the community may be concerned that a child has been or might be harmed. Some children live in circumstances where they do not receive enough basic care such as food, clothing, warmth or safety, causing their health and development to be harmed. Help and services are available for parents in such cases.

* In some cases, a concern may be raised that someone is deliberately harming a child. Sometimes, a single hurtful event may cause serious harm, for example a violent assault, sexual assault or poisoning.

* Harm can also be caused by ongoing incidents that damage the child’s physical, emotional and psychological development, for example domestic violence.


Family life

* Family life is varied and there is no perfect way to bring up a child. Parenting involves providing for a child’s basic needs, keeping them safe, and showing them warmth and love. Children need the support of their parents, family and community to grow up and help them achieve their full potential.

* A wide range of services and professionals can provide support to families so that their children can grow and develop successfully, especially in relation to health and education.

* Parenting can be challenging. All parents may at times feel they need to talk about worries they have about their child. This can feel difficult, but making sure a child is safe, healthy and growing up successfully sometimes requires the support of others.

* Seeking support not only helps the child but can also strengthen the family and community and be a truly positive step.


Advice and Support for Parents

* Teachers at your child’s school, and health visitors and GPs at your local health centre can provide info about where to find the right support for you and your child.
* Asking for advice early on can lead to you receiving the right support and services.

* Services are free and all parents, or people caring for a child, can seek help and advice. You can also find out what help is available
for children who have disabilities, children with long-term ill health, school problems or bullying, and children with special educational needs and children who are young carers.


Arranging extra support

* If you would like services from a number of different agencies, talk to a teacher, health visitor or doctor. You should be invited to be involved in the assessment of your child’s needs. This is called a Common Assessment and it helps the people supporting you to understand what services you and your child need and how all the agencies can work together in the best way for everyone.

* You can also get access to a wide variety of help and information, in confidence, about a number of problems related to issues such as pregnancy, parenthood, housing, ill health, depression, alcohol or drug problems, or domestic violence.

If you are not sure, you should always ask for advice


NSPCC Child Protection Helpline

0808 800 5000


Safeguarding Adults:


Do you know an adult who is being treated badly, taken advantage of, or injured? 

If so, call the Ask SAL Helpline 08452 66 66 63

Who abuses and where does it happen?

Anyone can be an abuser. Abuse can happen anywhere e.g. in someone’s own home, a residential or nursing home, day centres or hospitals.

What can you do?

Report it. call Ask Sal on 08452 66 66 63

Who is a vulnerable adult?

Someone in need of help because of a disability, illness or age and is unable to take care of themselves or stop someone else from harming or exploiting them.

What is abuse?

Abuse may be:

• Neglect

• Physical abuse

• Financial abuse

• Sexual abuse

• Psychological/Emotional abuse

• Discriminatory abuse

• Institutional abuse

What to do if you suspect abuse?

• Report it immediately

• Do not confront the alleged abuser

• If serious or sexual assault, do not touch or clean anything (including the victim), as this could destroy or taint evidence that may be required for any future criminal proceedings

What happens next?

Whatever you tell us will be treated with sensitivity. You will be asked for details about the person you think is at risk or is being abused and about the person you think is the abuser.

It is very important that we protect the person you are worried about and that they are safe.

Upon receipt of the concern we will look very carefully at the situation and following an investigation any outcome would depend on the individual circumstance and the wishes of the vulnerable person.

Visit www.asksal.org.uk