Practice Policies & Patient Information
Compliments & Complaints
Praise Thanks and Complaints
We are always keen to improve the service we offer. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to listen to our patients and actively seek their feedback.
We are extremely grateful for the letters of thanks we receive and the kind comments given to our staff. We rarely receive formal complaints but when we do we try to resolve issues as quickly as possible.
Both praise and complaints are treated in the same way, in that, both are learning opportunities for the practice. Learning outcomes from satisfied or dissatisfied patients are shared with all the staff and changes to working practice, procedures or protocols are implemented accordingly.
You will see from the tabs at the top of this page there are several ways you can give your feedback. It is the practice policy to actively discourage the use of social media for giving feedback good or bad as this in not a confidential domain for our patients to use.
We do encourage you to use NHS Choices (see above) to leave your comments and satisfaction ratings but we also welcome the opportunity to give you a personal response. If you do use this method we kindly ask that you contact the Practice Manager to let her know who you are and give us the opportunity to thank you personally or to address your concerns appropriately.
We welcome any suggestions for improvements in our Practice, and if you have a complaint about any specific episode, we’d like to hear about that too. If you don’t tell us we can’t make things better. You can write to one of us, tell a receptionist or doctor, or ask to speak to our Practice Manager, who has particular responsibility for this area. We take both suggestions and complaints seriously and guarantee to respond to you.
Please download our patient complaint procedure leaflet Complaint Leaflet:
For non urgent matters only, please contact the Practice Manager on 01279 814730.
For any other urgent enquiry please contact the surgery on the regular patient line 01279 814730.
If the surgery has not addressed your complaint to your satisfaction, then please contact the PALS patient liaison service on:
Telephone 0300 311 22 33
The Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Telephone 0345 015 4033
Thank You
Confidentiality is extremely important both for patients and the surgery staff. We do our utmost to maintain the highest possible standards of confidentiality. Our staff are instructed to follow the regulations as laid down in the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Access to Health Records Act (1990). Should you have any queries about confidentiality please contact our Practice Manager.
Elsenham Surgery – Children, Young Person and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding children, young persons and vulnerable adults is a fundamental goal for Elsenham Surgery.
Our policy has been written in conjunction with legislative and government guidance requirements, our local Clinical Commissioning Group child and adult protection procedures and relevant internal policies.
Our policies are the practice-agreed policies, applicable to all clinicians and staff as well as official visitors to the premises, and it represents the means by which the practice intends to keep children and vulnerable adults safe. Our policies are detailed and lengthy but are no substitute for staff – clinical as well as administrative – ensuring they are aware of local and national procedures and maintaining their up-to-date training.
Our Safeguarding Policies are available on request.
Safeguarding Children and Young Persons
What should you do if you are worried?
* If you are worried about a child, contact Children’s Social Care or the police to discuss your concerns. Your identity is kept confidential. Everyone in the community has a responsibility to make sure that children grow up safe from harm.
* Children’s Social Care will make enquiries about the child’s safety and assess what services will help. This is done in strictest confidence.
* The child, family and professionals who work with the family will be involved in the assessment. In all cases, what the family does well for the child is considered alongside the concerns.
* In most situations, children remain at home with their family while professionals work with the parents to get the right services involved. In all circumstances, action will be taken to safeguard the welfare of the child and improve the situation
Safeguarding children in need
* Some children require greater levels of support from Children’s Social Care, along with other agencies. They are children in need. Usually, these services support children living at home. If you think a child may require services as a child in need, you can seek advice from Children’s Social Care.
Worries about a child
* Parents, relatives and members of the community may be concerned that a child has been or might be harmed. Some children live in circumstances where they do not receive enough basic care such as food, clothing, warmth or safety, causing their health and development to be harmed. Help and services are available for parents in such cases.
* In some cases, a concern may be raised that someone is deliberately harming a child. Sometimes, a single hurtful event may cause serious harm, for example a violent assault, sexual assault or poisoning.
* Harm can also be caused by ongoing incidents that damage the child’s physical, emotional and psychological development, for example domestic violence.
Family life
* Family life is varied and there is no perfect way to bring up a child. Parenting involves providing for a child’s basic needs, keeping them safe, and showing them warmth and love. Children need the support of their parents, family and community to grow up and help them achieve their full potential.
* A wide range of services and professionals can provide support to families so that their children can grow and develop successfully, especially in relation to health and education.
* Parenting can be challenging. All parents may at times feel they need to talk about worries they have about their child. This can feel difficult, but making sure a child is safe, healthy and growing up successfully sometimes requires the support of others.
* Seeking support not only helps the child but can also strengthen the family and community and be a truly positive step.
Advice and Support for Parents
* Teachers at your child’s school, and health visitors and GPs at your local health centre can provide info about where to find the right support for you and your child.
* Asking for advice early on can lead to you receiving the right support and services.
* Services are free and all parents, or people caring for a child, can seek help and advice. You can also find out what help is available
for children who have disabilities, children with long-term ill health, school problems or bullying, and children with special educational needs and children who are young carers.
Arranging extra support
* If you would like services from a number of different agencies, talk to a teacher, health visitor or doctor. You should be invited to be involved in the assessment of your child’s needs. This is called a Common Assessment and it helps the people supporting you to understand what services you and your child need and how all the agencies can work together in the best way for everyone.
* You can also get access to a wide variety of help and information, in confidence, about a number of problems related to issues such as pregnancy, parenthood, housing, ill health, depression, alcohol or drug problems, or domestic violence.
If you are not sure, you should always ask for advice
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline
0808 800 5000
Safeguarding Adults:
Do you know an adult who is being treated badly, taken advantage of, or injured?
If so, call the Ask SAL Helpline 08452 66 66 63
Who abuses and where does it happen?
Anyone can be an abuser. Abuse can happen anywhere e.g. in someone’s own home, a residential or nursing home, day centres or hospitals.
What can you do?
Report it. call Ask Sal on 08452 66 66 63
Who is a vulnerable adult?
Someone in need of help because of a disability, illness or age and is unable to take care of themselves or stop someone else from harming or exploiting them.
What is abuse?
Abuse may be:
• Neglect
• Physical abuse
• Financial abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Psychological/Emotional abuse
• Discriminatory abuse
• Institutional abuse
What to do if you suspect abuse?
• Report it immediately
• Do not confront the alleged abuser
• If serious or sexual assault, do not touch or clean anything (including the victim), as this could destroy or taint evidence that may be required for any future criminal proceedings
What happens next?
Whatever you tell us will be treated with sensitivity. You will be asked for details about the person you think is at risk or is being abused and about the person you think is the abuser.
It is very important that we protect the person you are worried about and that they are safe.
Upon receipt of the concern we will look very carefully at the situation and following an investigation any outcome would depend on the individual circumstance and the wishes of the vulnerable person.
Fair Processing and Privacy Notice
Your Information, Your Rights
Being transparent and providing accessible information to patients about how we will use your personal information is a key element of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The following notice reminds you of your rights in respect of the above legislation and how your GP Practice will use your information for lawful purposes in order to deliver your care and the effective management of the local NHS system.
This notice reflects how we use information for:
- The management of patient records;
- Communication concerning your clinical, social and supported care;
- Ensuring the quality of your care and the best clinical outcomes are achieved through clinical audit and retrospective review;
- Participation in health and social care research; and
- The management and clinical planning of services to ensure that appropriate care is in place for our patients today and in the future.
Data Controller
As your registered GP practice, we are the data controller for any personal data that we hold about you.
What information do we collect and use?
All personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully, whether is it received directly from you or from a third party in relation to the your care.
We will collect the following types of information from you or about you from a third party (provider organisation) engaged in the delivery of your care:
- ‘Personal data’ meaning any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified from the data. This includes, but is not limited to name, date of birth, full postcode, address, next of kin and NHS number;
- ‘Special category / sensitive data’ such as medical history including details of appointments and contact with you, medication, emergency appointments and admissions, clinical notes, treatments, results of investigations, supportive care arrangements, social care status, race, ethnic origin, genetics and sexual orientation.
Your healthcare records contain information about your health and any treatment or care you have received previously (e.g. from an acute hospital, GP surgery, community care provider, mental health care provider, walk-in centre, social services). These records may be electronic, a paper record or a mixture of both. We use a combination of technologies and working practices to ensure that we keep your information secure and confidential.
Why do we collect this information?
The NHS Act 2006 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012 invests statutory functions on GP Practices to promote and provide the health service in England, improve quality of services, reduce inequalities, conduct research, review performance of services and deliver education and training. To do this we will need to process your information in accordance with current data protection legislation to:
- Protect your vital interests;
- Pursue our legitimate interests as a provider of medical care, particularly where the individual is a child or a vulnerable adult;
- Perform tasks in the public’s interest;
- Deliver preventative medicine, medical diagnosis, medical research; and
- Manage the health and social care system and services.
How is the information collected?
Your information will be collected either electronically using secure NHS Mail or a secure electronic transferred over an NHS encrypted network connection. In addition physical information will be sent to your practice. This information will be retained within your GP’s electronic patient record or within your physical medical records.
Who will we share your information with?
In order to deliver and coordinate your health and social care, we may share information with the following organisations:
- Local GP Practices in order to deliver extended primary care services
- Other Health Care Providers including but not limited to local Hospitals.
- 111 and Out of Hours Service
- Local Social Services and Community Care services
- Voluntary Support Organisations commissioned to provide services by your local CCG or NHS England.
Your information will only be shared if it is appropriate for the provision of your care or required to satisfy our statutory function and legal obligations.
Your information will not be transferred outside of the European Union unless you expressly ask us to do so.
Whilst we might share your information with the above organisations, we may also receive information from them to ensure that your medical records are kept up to date and so that your GP can provide the appropriate care.
In addition we received data from NHS Digital (as directed by the Department of Health) such as the uptake of flu vaccinations and disease prevalence in order to assist us to improve “out of hospital care”.
How do we maintain the confidentiality of your records?
We are committed to protecting your privacy and will only use information that has been collected lawfully. Every member of staff who works for an NHS organisation has a legal obligation to keep information about you confidential. We maintain our duty of confidentiality by conducting annual training and awareness, ensuring access to personal data is limited to the appropriate staff and information is only shared with organisations and individuals that have a legitimate and legal basis for access.
Information is not held for longer than is necessary. We will hold your information in accordance with the Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care 2016.
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
The Practice shares your diabetes related data with the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme operated by Health Intelligence (commissioned by NHS England). This supports your invitation for eye screening (where you are eligible and referred by the Practice) and ongoing care by the screening programme. This data may be shared with any Hospital Eye Services you are under the care of to support further treatment and with other healthcare professionals involved in your care, for example your Diabetologist.
For further information, take a look at Health Intelligence’s Privacy Notice on the diabetic eye screening website:
Consent and Objections
Do I need to give my consent?
The GDPR sets a high standard for consent. Consent means offering people genuine choice and control over how their data is used. When consent is used properly, it helps you build trust and enhance your reputation. However consent is only one potential lawful basis for processing information.
Therefore your GP practice may not need to seek your explicit consent for every instance of processing and sharing your information, on the condition that the processing is carried out in accordance with this notice. Your GP Practice will contact you if they are required to share your information for any other purpose which is not mentioned within this notice. Your consent will be documented within your electronic patient record.
What will happen if I withhold my consent or raise an objection?
You have the right to write to withdraw your consent to any time for any particular instance of processing, provided consent is the legal basis for the processing. Please contact your GP Practice for further information and to raise your objection.
Health Risk Screening / Risk Stratification
Health Risk Screening or Risk Stratification is a process that helps your GP to determine whether you are at risk of an unplanned admission or deterioration in health. By using selected information such as age, gender, NHS number, diagnosis, existing long term condition(s), medication history, patterns of hospital attendances, admissions and periods of access to community care your GP will be able to judge if you are likely to need more support and care from time to time, or if the right services are in place to support the local population’s needs.
To summarise Risk Stratification is used in the NHS to:
- Help decide if a patient is at a greater risk of suffering from a particular condition;
- Prevent an emergency admission;
- Identify if a patient needs medical help to prevent a health condition from getting worse; and/or
- Review and amend provision of current health and social care services.
Your GP will use computer based algorithms or calculations to identify their registered patients who are at most risk, with support from the local Commissioning Support Unit and/or a third party accredited Risk Stratification provider. The risk stratification contracts are arranged by your local CCG in accordance with the current Section 251 Agreement. Neither the CSU nor your local CCG will at any time have access to your personal or confidential data. They will only act on behalf of your GP to organise the risk stratification service with appropriate contractual technical and security measures in place.
Your GP will routinely conduct the risk stratification process outside of your GP appointment. This process is conducted electronically and without human intervention. The resulting report is then reviewed by a multidisciplinary team of staff within the Practice. This may result in contact being made with you if alterations to the provision of your care are identified.
A Section 251 Agreement is where the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has granted permission for personal data to be used for the purposes of risk stratification, in acknowledgement that it would overburden the NHS to conduct manual reviews of all patient registers held by individual providers.
As mentioned above, you have the right to object to your information being used in this way. However you should be aware that your objection may have a negative impact on the timely and proactive provision of your direct care. Please contact the Practice Manager to discuss how disclosure of your personal data can be limited.
Sharing of Electronic Patient Records within the NHS
Electronic patient records are kept in most places where you receive healthcare. Our local electronic systems (such as SystmOne, EMIS and Eclipse) enables your record to be shared with organisations involved in your direct care, such as:
- GP practices
- Community services such as district nurses, rehabilitation services, telehealth and out of hospital services.
- Child health services that undertake routine treatment or health screening
- Urgent care organisations, minor injury units or out of hours services
- Community hospitals
- Palliative care hospitals
- Care Homes
- Mental Health Trusts
- Hospitals
- Social Care organisations
- Pharmacies
In addition, NHS England have implemented the Summary Care Record which contains information including medication you are taking and any bad reactions to medication that you have had in the past.
In most cases, particularly for patients with complex conditions and care arrangements, the shared electronic health record plays a vital role in delivering the best care and a coordinated response, taking into account all aspects of a person’s physical and mental health. Many patients are understandably not able to provide a full account of their care, or may not be in a position to do so. The shared record means patients do not have to repeat their medical history at every care setting.
Your record will be automatically setup to be shared with the organisations listed above, however you have the right to ask your GP to disable this function or restrict access to specific elements of your record. This will mean that the information recorded by your GP will not be visible at any other care setting.
You can also reinstate your consent at any time by giving your permission to override your previous dissent.
Invoice Validation
If you have received treatment within the NHS, the local Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) may require access to your personal information to determine which Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for payment for the treatment or procedures you have received. Information such as your name, address, date of treatment and associated treatment code may be passed onto the CSU to enable them to process the bill.
These details are held in a secure environment and kept confidential. This information is only used to validate invoices in accordance with the current Section 251 Agreement, and will not be shared for any further commissioning purposes.
Your Right of Access to Your Records
The Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations allows you to find out what information is held about you including information held within your medical records, either in electronic or physical format. This is known as the “right of subject access”. If you would like to have access to all or part of your records, you can make a request in writing to the organisation that you believe holds your information.
This can be your GP, or a provider that is or has delivered your treatment and care. You should however be aware that some details within your health records may be exempt from disclosure, however this will in the interests of your wellbeing or to protect the identity of a third party. If you would like access to your GP record please submit your request in writing to:
Karen Greaves – Practice Manager
Elsenham Surgery
Station Road
Bishops Stortford
CM22 6LA
In the event that your feel your GP Practice has not complied with the current data protection legislation, either in responding to your request or in our general processing of your personal information, you should raise your concerns in the first instance in writing to the Practice Manager at:
Karen Greaves – Practice Manager
Elsenham Surgery
Station Road
Bishops Stortford
CM22 6LA
If you remain dissatisfied with our response you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF – Enquiry Line: 01625 545700 or online at
Data Controller Karen Greaves
Data Protection Officer – Jane Marley West Essex CCG
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) gives everyone, regardless of age, nationality, gender or location the right to request information from organisations such as Elsenham Surgery.
The Elsenham Surgery Publication Scheme is currently being updated and will be published here again shortly.
In the mean time, should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Practice Manager 01279 814730
Thank you.
GDPR: How the Practice Uses Personal Information
GP Earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Elsenham Surgery in the last financial year was £89,093 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 2 full time GPs and 2 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.
The average pay for GPs working in Elsenham Surgery in the last financial year was £67,946 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 2 full time GPs and 2 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.
Home Visit Policy
My Care Record
The people caring for you need access to your health and care record in order to make the best decisions about your diagnosis and treatment. For this to happen more quickly and to improve the care you receive, a new process has been put in place. With your permission, My Care Record will provide health and care professionals directly involved in your care, access to the most up-to-date information about you.
For further Information regarding the My Care Record Campaign please click here
There is also more information on the My Care Record Website
For more information please do not hesitate to contact Practice Manager on 01279 814730
NHS Choices
Clicking the link below will take you directly to the Elsenham Surgery page on NHS Choices
We thank you for your feedback and for taking the time and trouble to leave your response.
We kindly ask if you do leave a response that you give us the opportunity to contact you personally either to address any issues or thank you for your kind comment. Please contact Karen Greaves either on 01279 818006 or to let her know who you are.
Thank You.
Patient Responsibilities, and How You Can Help Us
In order to assist in the smooth-running of the surgery, we would ask that you:
- Be on time for your appointment
- Inform the surgery, as soon as possible, if you are unable to keep a booked appointment
- Call for a home visit or urgent appointment before 10.30am
- Ring for test results between 12.30pm and 2pm on 01279 818005
- ALL dispensary queries should be made after 2:00pm (including, calling to see if your prescription is ready). 01279 818000.
- Keep your contact details updated – including mobile phone numbers.
- Do not smoke in the surgery building or any part of the surgery property
- Book a double appointment if you wish to discuss more than one ailment or if you feel you need longer with the Doctor. Please do not try to squeeze 2 or 3 ailments or other family members into one 10 minute slot.
Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
Suggestion Box
We are always looking for ways to improve the service we offer our patients.
Please use the link below to email me any comments or suggestions you may have. These will be fed back tour Patient Participation Group and where possible will be included in the next Elsenahm Surgery Improvement Action Plan:
Thank You
Practice Manager
Text Messaging Service
Type1 Opt-Out Form
If you do not want your personally identifiable patient data to be shared outside of
your GP practice for purposes except your own care, you can register an opt-out with
your GP practice. This is known as a Type 1 Opt-out.
Use this Type1 opt- out-form to opt-out
Violent and Abusive Patients
The practice is committed to producing a high quality of care to our patients. The relationship between the patients and those working in the surgery is an important issue and is a two-way process. Therefore, in order to protect both the staff and other patients we respectfully point out that this practice supports the Government’s NHS zero tolerance zone campaign. Violent and abuse is a growing concern. GPs and their staff have the right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused. Violent patients will be reported to the police.