Get More Control Of Your Health and Care
- Book and Manage Your Appointments
- Securely View Your GP Medical Record ( If you can’t see your medical record please contact reception)
- Order Your Repeat Prescriptions
- Check Your Symptoms and Get Instant Advice
Next Steps:
- Download the APP
- Follow the login instructions provided.
A Few Things To Think About:
There are a few things you need to think about before registering for online records. On very rare occasions:
- Your GP may not think it in your best interest for you to look at your GP records online. If this happens, your GP will discuss their reasons with you. It is up to your GP to decide if you should be allowed access to your online records.
- You may see your test results before your doctor has spoken to you about them. This may be when you cannot contact your surgery, or when your surgery is closed. This means you will need to wait until an appointment is available to talk to your doctor.
- Information in your medical records might need correcting. If you find something you think is not correct, you should contact your surgery. The staff will be able to answer your questions and set things right when needed. Please bear in mind that you cannot change the record yourself.
- There may be information in your medical records that you did not know was there or that you had forgotten about, such as an illness or an upsetting incident. If you see anything you did not know about that worries you, please speak to your surgery and they will discuss this with you.
- If you have questions about any of the above points, please talk to your surgery and they will be able to advise you further. 01279 814730
Patient Online Access can still be accessed via https://patient.emisaccess.co.uk/ or we suggest you try the new NHS APP.
If you already have Patient Access and would like access to your medical records please contact Reception to activate your record on our system.