Welcome to The Elsenham Surgery Newsletter .
We aim to produce a newsletter for our patients and the local community. You do not have to be a patient of the surgery to subscribe to it.
Each publication will include:
- Updates from the Patient Participation Group
- Details regarding the Depression Friendship Group
- News from the Surgery
- Surgery Contact Information
Other articles may include:
- Any new changes to the surgery for example when we introduced our text messaging service.
- Staff changes
- The number of appointments lost because of non-attendance.
- Current Health issues – for example flu vaccine information
- Local groups and initiatives for example – My weight matters – Village walks etc.
- Any other general information that may help the health and wellbeing of our patients.
We are always looking for articles that may be of interest to our patients. So if you have something you would like to be included please do not hesitate to contact Karen Greaves on 01279 818006 to discuss it further. Please note we do not publish or promote anything that our patients have to pay for.
The newsletter is sent out via email either once a month or every other month or there are hard copies available in the waiting room.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list please click on the subscription tab at the top of this page.
Thank You.